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Shakti Gawain RIP

Best-selling author: Creative Visualization, Living in the Light

I love Katie Darling! 


She is very courageous, and follows her intuition to help people face their fears safely, and find their own courage. Her work comes from a deeply caring place.


Lawrence Furman (RIP)

Medium, Magician, Author: Memoirs of a Slightly Mad Mystic

In my teens, I was ill, in the hospital, and I died—3 times!  
While on the other side, I received information and experience that would enable me to live with an open heart on Earth. Yet when I came back, the life I returned to was too much of a challenge, and I was unable to implement what I’d been shown. I needed help.
That’s when I found Katie Darling. I was amazed to discover that the only place in earthly life I have found the exact same information and solutions, is through the extraordinary methodology that comes through Katie Darling and her work, now called iWAVEwork.

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Becka K.

CEO Corporate Coaching Co.

The truth is that after our first session I got out of bed and never went back. Really!
Me? "Successful-Ivy-league-educated-business-owner-happily-married-amazing-children” ... and yet secretly always exhausted and sick. Lots of spiritual work but a secret life of physical and emotional pain that was spreading like a parasite. I stumbled upon Katie’s website and picked up the phone right then and there. Her description of bringing God into the body was exactly what I never knew I needed.


It has been a journey of actually reorienting myself in relation to God and my everyday life and learning how to merge the two. Katie is brilliant, truly funny and brutally honest in a loving way. The work she does is something she has been guided to share and for me it has truly changed my life.


Michael Jaguar

Musician, Father

I have participated in many different kinds of workshops, classes, seminars and trainings and I am NOT exaggerating when I say that NOTHING has been comparable to iWave!

This is THE WORK, a true Mystic Journey; an integrated, embodied and tangible encounter with who we truly are: Divine. I am eternally grateful for this work, and plan to continue with it throughout my life.


Cari Alter

Shaman, Healer

It’s not an exaggeration to say that working with Katie Darling saved my life. 


I was walking dead, knew something was wrong, but couldn’t see what it was or what to do about it. Katie gave me back my life, or rather a much-improved version of my life. After the work I was way more intuitive and clear-seeing, I began to actually love myself and became much less judgmental. What I learned became the foundation for my own healing practice! I got the strength and clarity to finally leave an unhappy marriage and the wisdom and skills to start a new career. Katie’s a true genius and I am so very grateful that I found her when I did.


Adam Hirsch

Personal Trainer, MAT Body Balance Specialist

The experiences I have had working with Katie for more than ten years have been deep and incredibly powerful. 

Katie's unapologetic wisdom helps me to... forces me to continue to find my power and guidance. She has given me a gift I never could have imagined.


Peter Russell

Author: From Science to God, etc. 

She's good for a laugh...

and she's good for the Truth!


Marisa Roman


Dear Katie, your wisdom has stuck with me for years and will stay with me for years to come. What you are doing and aspiring to do with such sincerity and wisdom is an amazing blessing and I am so grateful to have you and your work as part of my journey back home. 

This work has always been on the cutting edge. Its subtlety and yet obvious and immediate results are amazing and astounding. I’m blown away every time. iWave nurtures a deep need that humanity has at this time. It is so complete and probably one of–if not the–most integrative work out there! Thank you for helping me to fill an emptiness and integrate and move the stuckness that bugged me. It’s so great to know that these tools exist and are easy to use.

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Gina Locurcio

Shaman, Healer

Katie Darling is a visionary. A kind, generous and compassionate woman. 

An inspiration for extreme aliveness. 

A permission to be real and  vulnerable. 

An invitation to know and to ride the infinite wave of one love.  

A judgment-free zone. A tender blessing.


God is an infinite wave of love that is only ever a layer or two from our current consciousness. Katie’s practices peel away those layers and send us home into the ocean of bliss-consciousness.

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Steve K.

CEO, International Courier Company

Most therapy is like a hot air balloon trying to lift off, to reach the moon. 

Katie is the rocket-ship!


Annie Osborn

Naturopathic Consultant, Lic. Ac.

Katie is amazing. She is able to call me on my stuff, yet I'm able to embrace it because she is so kind and compassionate. When I started working with her I didn't have a practice, and now I am experiencing success and abundance. Plus, I feel more peaceful, more tuned-in, and more in flow with my life. I attribute this directly to working with Katie, privately and through her trainings.  


Fred Joseph

Musician, Sound Engineer

Katie Darling is insightful beyond measure. Her background and expertise allows her to quickly find the essential heart of the matter. Step by step, she will guide you compassionately to the understanding that you, and only you, can take. Graceful support and encouragement is provided at all times for you to move into your fullness. Her commitment to your well-being is absolute.

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Julie Neudstater

Biodanza Facilitator

As a result of working with Katie, my classes flow through me. I feel continually inspired by Source–super-inspired!  I feel beauty in my body, and I feel as if I am held by the Goddess. 


Marci Shimoff

Best-selling author: Love for No Reason; Chicken Soup for a Woman's Soul

Featured Teacher in "The Secret."

I've done a lot of of training programs before, and I had high expectations, because… Katie Darling -- I've worked with her over a number of years and I think she does fantastic work. But what I liked about this training was that it was profound, it was deep, and it will probably give you experiences you have never had before. And I absolutely believe that this is a lasting transformation. And that's what we all want!


Michael Wilbourn (aged 78)

Veteran. Spiritual Mentor.

Katie Darling is a remarkable woman. Unlike any therapist I've known, she has a keen ability to suss out and treat client difficulties. The session begins with, "What would you like to get out of this session?" And we do, and it's not easy. Nothing of real substance is.


Early on she told me, "I absolutely know for very certain I can take you very fast to your next step." She has, with astounding insights and love. A good friend of mine told me he was seeing a new therapist and every time he did, he cried. I said, whoa, that's good. I'd like to see her. Immediately I knew she could help me. I'd been feeling, I knew, there was something  hindering my progress. Now, after 10 sessions with this spiritual countess, I'm free of that stuff and life's good. I'm so grateful to Katie for what she did to and for me. Some day she'll be famous. 

Thank you.

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Byron Belitsos

Award-winning Publisher and Author of "Your Evolving Soul."

Katie Darling is a spiritual genius for our time. She's also a courageous innovator whose highly original work has already changed the lives of thousands of students around the world. She has lived all the things she teaches right down to the bone, and has done the intellectual and psychospiritual homework that is required for leading people into deep transformation in almost any cultural or religious context. I eagerly await the next phase of her work, which will gather her hard-won wisdom and God-given talent for the uplift the current generation.



Chalita Photikoe, Lic.Ac.


Katie is a conduit to awakening. During a session with her, at one point, everything stopped and became completely silent, still, and yet undeniably expansive. It felt as if I was the only being on earth, and I was suspended by God, at the beginning of all beginnings.  I was nothing.  And then, the waves came, deep purples and oranges.  And then I was everything.

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