iWAVE Institute
iWaveTherapy with Katie Darling MSU
iWaveHealing with Greg Andrews MBA
romantic enlightenment training


Katie Darling, Founder of iWave Institute, is a funny and highly relatable speaker. In addition to leading seminars and training leaders in her Institute for 25+ years, she has been a popular presenter, plenary and keynote at many conferences and organizations, such as Non-Dual Awarenesss in Psychotherapy, Transformational Leadership Council (TLC), International Conference for Science and Spirit, Mensa, and many others.
She is available by invitation to speak on a variety of topics (or rather, to adapt her integrative, embodied spiritual message to a variety of contexts), or to present seminars and workshops on embodied awakening through the practical methods of iWAVE (as long as she doesn't have to organize the seminars!). info@iwaveinstitute.com