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Gregory Andrews MBA

Phone/text: 510-860-9905

my story:

"My life plan was dead in the water when I read the metaphysical classic "Seth Speaks" in college at the age of 18.


But I didn't know it, and still tried to live it out: I became a Captain in the Air Force (computer systems) for 9 years, in peace-time, and also earned my MBA. But something called me out of the security and lack of meaning I found in my military career, even though it was going great on the surface (other than an eye injury I suffered in training). I entered the business world, continuing my spiritual explorations on the side––including initiation into Reiki 29 years ago. I have been practicing spiritual and energetic healing ever since that time with surprising results and in many cases, unforeseen cures of conditions that seemed permanent. 

Then everything changed again. In 2007 I lost most of my sight as a result of that earlier accident. Although this was obviously very shocking, it led to a deep and unexpected opening in my consciousness, a kind of "insight," and I was drawn to dive further into mystical teachings, starting with A Course In Miracles, (ACIM). I had the cassettes, and listened to the whole thing repeatedly, applying it to my potentially traumatizing life experience. I began feeling a level of peace and oneness of which I became a teacher for some years, both to individuals and to groups in Science of Mind churches. 


And then my path led me to The Infinite Way work of Joel Goldsmith (who passed in 1964), which focuses particularly on The Art of Spiritual Healing (which is also the name of a book by Joel). Both Katie and I made a deep, daily study of Infinite Way teachings for around 12 years before meeting each other in 2020 on an Infinite Way-based Webinar!  We were both using the practical mysticism we were learningg, to heal our lives on all levels, such as purpose, supply, and health. And to find LOVE without looking for it in the normal physical or mental ways. We are quite amazed at how well it has worked.

I learned, from experimenting with this mysticism of the quantum field of Love and Light, that real and lasting healings happen in consciousness, through the healer's ability to dive deep into Oneness, after briefly acknowledging the apparent problem with which they have been asked to help. Sometimes there is a need for simple spiritual counseling that opens a person to the unlimited, miraculous possibility of healing that they may not have believed in (although it's not a placebo effect nor a matter of positive belief: children and animals are often easiest to heal through this amazing practice of joining in the Oneness of consciousness at the deepest level).


It seems that the change most people need is to heal the part of them that doesn't believe in the naturalness of miracles—or believes there are "things" or conditions that are hurting or harming them.  

Mystical Healing, or iWAVEhealing, as I now practice it, is not the same as Reiki, although consciousness is one, and healing is healing. Reiki and other such so-called quantum, energy approaches, many of which I also trained in, operate from an idea that one is projecting some kind of magical, healing energy from healer to healee. It's not that this doesn't work—I practice qi gong and have long played in energy realms and seen powerful effects. But this doesn't often last because it's still within the mind of duality that believes there is some darkness "out there," and that we have to fix it with light, like metaphysical warriors. 


Mystical healing is actually more scientific, as it goes to the real root of the problem, which is that we feel separate from that Love and Light that is right now, right here present, and doesn't even know we think we are sick! It's hard to explain, and has to be experienced. There is no opposite to Divine Love and Light, and when this is realized in the field, the flow of grace opens up creating what seem to be miracles.

"Miracles are natural: when they do not occur, something has gone wrong." (ACIM)


When he was on earth (until 1964) Joel Goldsmith personally—or impersonally you might say—along with many of his more advanced students that Katie and I have studied with, healed thousands and thousands of people on death's door (verified, permanent healings). The mystical method is much closer to the source of consciousness than simply  "sending energy." iWaveHealing involves raising our consciousness to the level of Oneness which we some call the "quantum field," where the presenting problem, whether illness, poverty, or other difficulty, just doesn't exist. The imbalance is melted or "nothingized" in its core within consciousness and, amazingly and inexplicably, when this is performed successfully (and you can feel the shift when it happens), the problem often disappears in the physical also. Sometimes multiple sessions are needed.


With Joel, Stage Four cancers and other terminal conditions would clear overnight. The same principle was used by him to help resolve issues of personal finance and abundance, and to resolve labor relations in corporations, as well as to get innocent people out of jail in impossible situations. Both Katie and I have independently found that these healing principles work miraculously in our personal lives, and we practice them (she somewhat secretly) with our clients.

We are excited to bring people in touch with this little-known, ridiculously effective Practical Mysticism that we feel awakens the New Wave of Love and Higher Consciousness that will lead to the New Earth. Katie and I have integrated these mystical principles, from both A Course In Miracles and The Infinite Way, as part of our work, called The Infinite Wave, or iWAVE, which also integrates our understanding of WAVE CONSCIOUSNESS -- the importance and methods of tuning into and "surfing" the oceanic waves of life energy that can open us up to mystical intelligence and full healing. 

Since joining with Katie in the iWave love-field in 2020, I have been quietly offering "Infinite Wave Healing Sessions" by Zoom, by donation.

Contact me if you feel drawn to receive my help, by donation,

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PHONE: 1.510.860.9905


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