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The iWave Method




iWAVE Initiation
1st in-person iWAVE training with Katie in 12 years
October 18-20, 2024
in san rafael luxury home

Save The DateS and grab your spot
(Very limited spots already half-filled before announcement) 
email iWAVE Institute to apply


iwave METHOd:
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The iWAVE Method© is a way of being present all-day, by learning to recognize the subtle-yet-powerful wave of conscious presence that is always with you, even when you don't notice it.


This wave is you, or from your point of view, this wave is "I" — which is why the work is called iWave:   I = Wave (!) Get it? 


The fact that "you" are a wave is spiritually and scientifically true, yet it doesn't do you much good if you don't realize it, and are stuck in the I = Thing, or the I = Separate, Lonely Ego version of reality. 


Although the method is eventually so simple that it becomes like an automatic inner gesture, it is also subtle and deep. You become a different kind of being when you are practicing it, and you realize that this energy wave you are experiencing is who you really are!


The initiation into this ongoing state depends on a radical shift in understanding and perceiving your so-called "self," in all its layers of expression (breath, body, emotions, mind and sense of identity). I've taught an earlier version of this method in seminars through iWave Institute since 1995, and currently transmit it as needed in private 1-on-1  iWaveTherapy sessions.— Learn more here.

Webinars coming, be in the wave).

The iWAVE Method© is not a gimmick or a marketing strategy: it's a real initiation that can change your experience of yourself and your world.


I-W-A-V-E is an acronym for 5 doorways you probably didn't notice, within your own self.  Each doorway or portal lives in a different aspect of you: Body, Breath, Emotions, Mind and Spirit.  You can learn to take a quantum leap through one or more of these portals at any time, and in any situation, to quickly shift your consciousness "on-the-fly."


When life is happening, you don't have time to sit and meditate for hours (or even minutes), get an iWavetherapy session,  do a particular exercise or visualize anything. Yet with The iWAVE Method you can "reset" yourself right in the middle of your crazy life (or your crazy mind, for that matter!).  On the other side of these portals, right here in your body and your real life, you can enter what feels like an alternate universe, yet which is actually "Reality" -- a dimension where life is experienced in waves of flowing love and synchronicity.


The iWAVE Method has been beta-tested on thousands of people through a lifetime of working with people and through my own full-time spiritual path, which kicked off with more than a decade as a meditating monk in my 20s (see my strange BIO here: I'm in my late 60s now!). I've had a wonderfully challenging life including many AFGO's (AFGO = "Another Frickin' Growth Opportunity"). And yet here I still am, heading into my 7th decade, living my purpose abundantly in Love, loving my work, my partner and my many beloveds, including YOU. 


Finding the practical portals that really work to move from pain and fear into peace and power has been essential for me to survive and thrive. And I'm still journeying, deeper and deeper into the mystery. Here is what I have discovered so far:


  • We are multidimensional: there is MUCH more to a human being than is known to most humans.

  • Through more than 40 years of working with countless students and clients (as well as my own skin-in-the-game and my apprenticeship with certain mutant mystics that you have probably never heard of), I have found certain tweaks, or hacks that really work to clear our past pain and awaken powerful potential.

  • There are, as I've mentioned, secret portals within the human architecture,  through which you can learn to return to your SOUL, to your real HOME.  Who knew? Most of these doorways are very little-known, and putting them all together creates a uniquely integrated experience of coming home to who you really are. 

  • The iWAVE Method@ initiates you into 5 portals — dynamic doorways of release through your body, breath, emotions, mind and spirit or soul. Soon like fingers on a hand, these practices become one integrated skill, and you find yourself returning to embodied presence again and again throughout the day, either at times of stress, or when you just want to commune with your Self. 

  • These portals are natural, organic ways of returning home, not a gimmick or addition to distract us; this is truly a body-centered mystical path. Once your awareness comes home, everything is handled. Your worries will gradually release.

  • In case you missed that last point: your worries will gradually—or quickly!—release. Returning to the awareness of the iWave or Infinite Wave affects all aspects of your life, including those "Four Biggies: Love, Wealth, Health and Life Purpose." without you having to be a control freak trying to "manifest" stuff, or feeling guilty because you "should" be surrendering. (More on this here)

  • It turns out that you don't need to die to go home to the experience of living peacefully within an ocean of unimaginably great Love that guides you, protects you, supplies your needs, and would love to use you as one of Its secret agents. Are you a Planetary Leader? Have you heard the call, but don't know where it's coming from?

  • If it sounds like I'm talking about The Artist Formerly Known as God, etc., well, OK!  Some call it The One, or Quantum Field, or Beingness. You will know it when you feel it and find yourself merging back into it. I also call It The Infinite Wave©, since the doorways that take you there are wave-like or "wavy," and what is discovered there is the wavy Source of waves.

  • ("But wait, what about "Stillness?" I've been trying to achieve stillness and now you're telling me it's all moving?" Yes. And by the way, how has that been working for you? You can learn to surf the infinite wave of life, and then your mind will experience something you might call stillness, only more alive. More on this here.)

Wherever or however your mind, body and emotions and spiritual path may feel stuck, your waves of conscious life force are more powerful than your stuckness if you know how to access them and surf through all the "weather" of your life. iWave includes practices that melt all parts of you from particle to wave: Again, we will be working on your body, breath, mind, EMOTIONS and higher consciousness. I call it a technology, but the methods you will learn are more like subtle abilities or skills that you activate within yourself. It is easy, and with a bit of commitment, it works, no matter who you are. And it is life-changing (see Testimonials).

Catch the iWave

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iWaveTherapy Sessions

with Founder, Katie Darling MSU

"Much faster than therapy,

much slower than your mind!"

The iWAVE Method© is a way of being present all-day, by learning to recognize the subtle-yet-powerful wave of conscious presence that is always with you, even when you don't notice it. This wave is you, or from your point of view, this wave is "I" — which is why the work is called iWave:   I = Wave (!) Get it? 


The fact that "you" are a wave is spiritually and scientifically true, yet it doesn't do you much good if you don't realize it, and are stuck in the I = Thing, or the I = Separate, Lonely Ego version of reality. 


Although the method is eventually so simple that it becomes like an automatic inner gesture, it is also subtle and deep. You become a different kind of being when you are practicing it, and you realize that it is who you really are. The initiation into this ongoing state depends on a radical shift in understanding and perceiving your so-called "self," in all its layers of expression (breath, body, emotions, mind and sense of identity). I've taught an earlier version of this method in seminars through iWave Institute since 1995, and currently transmit it as needed in private 1-on-1  iWaveTherapy sessions.— Learn more here.

Webinars coming, be in the wave).

A Mystical Moving Map of Everything

The Infinite Wave© is the theory behind iWave's fluid practices, giving you a new,  integrated, non-dual yet dynamic GPS reading on consciousness, matter, and everything in between.


Get new clarity on stuff that may have been confusing you forever like:

  • "Should I surrender OR should I go for power and mastery?" 

  • "Why has Law of Attraction, (or witnessing my thoughts, or yoga, or...  fill in your version of what used to work) stopped working?" (if they ever did work).

  • "Where are the freedom, enlightenment, abundance, joy, love and creativity I was promised?"

  • "Why hasn't meditation worked for me when it has for everyone else?" (hint: No, it hasn't!)

  • "Were all these practices wrong?"

  • "What's up with this apparent Apocalypse, and how can I experience the "good news" version of the massive change we're all navigating... READ MORE

Check out The Infinite Wave — a moving map that gets you where you're going

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