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What you will "get"

 iwave initiation 

(based on 100s of testimonials from former students,

but don't let this limit you: How Good Can It Get?)

BENEFITS—You will:

  1. Find a way of "coming home" to yourself in your mind, body, energy body, emotions and deepest Self.

  2. Learn how to release those pesky, persistent stuck places that sometimes loop you into their downward spiral. Learn to spiral UP.

  3. Have the opportunity to feel unconditional love and safety in a strongly boundaried group of like-minded spiritual practitioners.

  4. Find a practical path towards true, integrated spiritual awakening.

  5. Know that you are getting your real power back.

  6. Begin to remember who you are and why you are here.

  7. Feel a positive and optimistic path to relax and enjoy your life -- no matter what seems to be happening "out there."

  8. Learn how to RENEW yourself every day.

  9. Recover your inspiration and creativity

  10. What would YOU like to get out of this intensive initiation into your deep, wavy Self? Begin setting your intentions—you will learn the tools to peacefully manifest and receive what you deeply desire without forcing anything. 




"I"—You hear about the "I Am" all the time, but WTF?

The “I” in iWAVE is a little “i-me-self” that is trying to get initiated back into its big “I” Self. Although iWAVE is an embodied experience of the waves that exist in all dimensions, this fluid, energy identity is supposed to be married to our conscious awareness or “I.” Most spiritual and growth practices focus on EITHER descending into our body and emotions to clear trauma and activate our energy OR ascending into the Higher Self or “I” of pure awareness. We can call these two aspects energy and consciousness. iWAVE brings these two lost halves of the Self back together and the child that is born is You, your True Self! 


WAVY—What is your body, really? Waves or particles?

Learn to "surf the motherwave"—melt your body into a new wave of bliss

iWAVE comes from a spiritual  awakening that creator Katie Darling had in her 40s (30 years ago) in which she was shifted into an extraordinary  zone where everything is fluid and consists of waves that can be surfed and guided by intention. This wavy presence told her to call it "the motherwave," and she initiated over 5000 people into this direct experience of inner fluidity through her school, now called iWAVE Institute.



Learn WAVE-breathing, the original, organic breathwork! 

Nowadays there is a cacophony of very intense, muscular "breathwork" teachers, and you might think that in order to have a truly medicinal or healing breakthrough, you need to do forced breathing, or to Hof, huff and puff, (preferably in a cold shower). Or to be a guy with a six-pack and no shirt 🤣

Learn wave-breathing, the original, organic breathwork technique that Katie has been teaching to groups and practicing with clients for 40 years. Wave-breathing is customized to YOU in the moment, infinitely more nuanced, subtle and effective, bringing you a true "breath release" and the freedom and power you have been waiting for.


Emotion. Alchemistry.

Feelings or emotions are often the most confusing part of our lives. We are told that we must suppress our feelings by thinking positive thoughts, or express them, causing havoc in our lives and nervous systems. What if there is a third option? Once you acquire the skills of iWAVE, you will be able to melt stuck emotions in minutes.


Deep Belief Surgery

Why doesn't "positive thinking" really work, long-term. What do you really believe, underneath all your wishful thinking? What is the Flaw of Attraction? How can you truly experience your power to guide and influence your reality with your conscious intention? The answer that you can't do it with your mind alone until you have integrated your inner energies (which is why you need the 5 dimensions of iWAVE for it all to work). And then, you CAN feel your astonishing power to create.

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